In 1980 I was invited to publish my article At the sources of the Copernican astronomy in a Polish magazine of the Friends of Astronomy (Urania 1/1981/LII), by a Polish astronomer who studied in Moscow. The man, in order to survive, is now teaching ecology i.e. the science of worshiping the Copernican goddess Gaia whom pope John Paul II hugged on his every pilgrimage.
Here is the key passage from Copernicus's book:
“In the center of all rests the Sun. For who would place this lamp of a very beautiful temple in another or better place than this from which it can illuminate everything at the same time? As a matter of fact, not unhappily do some call it the lantern, others, the mind, and still others, the Leader of the World. Trismegistus calls it ‘visible God’; Sophocles’ Electra, ‘that which gazes upon all things.’ And so the sun, as if resting on a kingly throne, governs the family of stars (like Zeu pater) which wheel around.” (De revol. Bk. I, 10)
In Egypt, the sun was called pouro which signifies at once 'the fire' (Greek pyr) and 'the king'. And that explains why Copernicus's sun god is seated on the royal throne. The name of the sun god Baal means 'Lord' and 'King'. Now take a look at the Pope with the symbol of “Baal” at the forefront of his mitre, which also symbolizes the Dagon god that had a temple at Gaza (Judges 16:21-30) and Ashdod (1 Samuel 5:3-7; 1 Chronicles 10:10). Now you know who is behind all these flotillas trying to break the blockade of Gaza.
Arthur Koestler in his Sleepwalker observed:
(We became) the worshipers of the new Baal, lording it over the moral vacuum with his electronic brain.” (525)
Dr. Rantisi, Hamas's dead leader used to argue that Allah - many times wrongly translated as 'God' - is not the God of the Bible, nor the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Allah is another deity, one who drinks blood as water, who loves jihad and terror, and promises virgins in his so-called paradise to those who kill Jews - the more the better. Accordingly, we learn from a Palestinian post stamp that the true god of Palestine is Baal-Zephon who was a principal mighty one of Ugarit or Ras Shamra, and of the Canaanite people who lived in that area of Syria. Israel was given a choice; they could follow Yahweh to their permanent freedom in the Promised land or they could return to enslavement in Egypt with its idol worship, wherein the idolatry of Baal-Zephon was popular.
Baal was originally, it appears, associated with specific places and sanctuaries; in Ugarit temple he is equated with Dagon. Baal was also known as the sun idol, Baal-Hannan. He had received the name Hannan, or the “grace”. That is exactly what the Pauline Christians teach, that the manner of spiritual life is all grace. “The law has been done away with the Christ’s death; now, do anything you please” is the teaching of Pauline churchianity. The word ‘Sion’ comes from Siona, the ancient Sanskrit (Aryan) name for... the Sun. (G. Higgins, Anacalypsis)
Inspired by the possibilities of pyramid force, the United Church of Christianity in Houston, Texas professing the god baal of the one-dollar bill, built itself a temple that is a small-scale version of the Great Pyramid standing 75 feet (22.8 metres) high. Although the pyramid shape works well as a church, the minister, John D. Rankin, who experienced the vision calling for the church to raise the structure, has warned against constructing pyramidal homes. He feels that the psychic energy generated by such structures over long periods is likely to produce undesirable effects.
(A. Hislop in his Two Babylons wrote: “From the historian Castor (in Armenian translation of Eusebius, pars. I, p. 81) we learn that it was under Bel, or Belus, that is Baal, that the Cyclops lived; and the Scholiast on Æschylus [chapter II, section II, sub-section I, note 22] states that these Cyclops were the brethren of Kronos, who was also Bel or Bal, as we have elsewhere seen [chapter II, section II, sub-section I]. The eye in their forehead shows that originally this name was a name of the great god, for that eye in India and Greece is found the characteristic of the supreme divinity. The Cyclops, then, had been representatives of that God—in other words, priests, and priests of Bel or Bal. Now, we find that the Cyclops were well-known as cannibals, Referre ritus Cyclopum, "to bring back the rites of the Cyclops," meaning to revive the practice of eating human flesh. (Ovid, Metam., XV, 93, Vol. II, p. 132. The term cannibal is derived from Cahna-Baal, priest of Baal. Pagan Rome of old offered human sacrifices to Baal on these crosses.”
Pagan Heliocentrism became Scientific Justification for the Holocaust
The Teutonic Wotan whose name is derived from Sanskrit vid, to know. The website Wotan – the Sun God ( sums up the pagan solar theology of Copernicus as follows: “The universe, as a whole, is a spiritually living being – the ultimately supreme God, if you will…The center of our solar system is, of course, the sun. What modern man often overlooks is the fact that the sun is more than the physical center; it is also the spiritual center. From the earliest times, man has recognized the various sources and centers of this spiritual energy from the sun, and has expressed this recognition in a process of deification of the natural features of the world and its surroundings. Wotan represents the Teutonic attempt to deify and understand this primary source of spiritual energy…For a Christian, the sun represents a stern but protective Father who will save his worshipers if they will only accept him and his ways…Of all the peoples of the world, the Teutons are alone in having experienced the miraculous and sublime process of evolutionary change that has enabled them to see the sun’s energy as alive, evolving, and creative. Unfortunately for humanity, Wotan’s people lacked the courage of their convictions; they opted for easy road, and accepted Christianity. Now, after centuries of betrayal, hypocrisy and revealed falsehood, his people are rejecting the Judeo-Christian lie and turning to their inner spiritual selves for truth and understanding – and they are finding Wotan. There can be no more impressive demonstration of the creative power of Wotan than this. We stand on the threshold of a new era, and what we see before us is the universe. As we carry the banner of our Sun’s spiritual energy to the farthest galaxies, we can take pride in the knowledge that we are the bringers of the seed of evolution, creativity, honor, and dignity.”
“Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist,” writes Stephen Hawking in his latest book the Grand Design.(S. Hawking, God was not needed to create the universe, The Jerusalem Post, 03-09-2010)
Philosopher M. Polanyi observed, “Newtonian physics and Darwin’s notion of the survival of the fittest were key elements both in the Marxist concepts of class warfare and of racial philosophies which shaped Hitlerism and scientific world view.”
J. Streicher, the publisher of anti-Semitic and pornographic Der Stürmer considered the Bible pornographic literature and had no use even for Christ because he was a Jew. An article published in Der Stürmer on March 19, 1942 complained that Christian teaching had stood in the way of a “racial solution of the Jewish question in Europe” and quoted as a rallying call the Führer proclamation: “the Jew will be exterminated.” The Nazis commemorated the four hundredth anniversary of publication of Copernicus’s The Revolution in 1943 by issuing a post stamp in the occupied part of Poland called Generalgouvernement bearing Copernicus’s portrait (the young seminarian K. Wojtyla used to put this stamp on his letters). In the same year the Poles could hear the triumphant tone of the news: “The Jews have disappeared from Europe,” and the “reservoir of the East from which the Jewish plague has for centuries beset the people of Europe has cased to exist!” This propaganda was an answer to the postulate of the Polish “underground” press which demanded “burning out the revolutionary, wandering Jew until his ashes will have fertilized the barren wastes of the Jewish soul.” This and other facts, like burning Jews in barns inspired Hay (Europe and the Jews) with such a reflection: “German responsibility for these crimes, however, overwhelming it may be, is only a secondary responsibility which has grafted itself like a hideous parasite, upon a secular tradition, which is a Christian tradition. How can one forget, that Christianity, chiefly from the 11th century has employed against Jews a policy of degradation and of pogroms, which has extended – among certain Christian people into contemporary history, which can be observed still alive to-day in most Catholic Poland, and of which the Hitlerian system has been only a copy, atrociously perfected.”
In what sense did Copernicus’s book justify the Final Solution of the Jewish problem? By negating Christian tradition of Europe Copernicus removed the one and only obstacle, which stood in the way of the racial solution of the Jewish question. Indeed, the Holocaust did occur at a time when the Bible had definitively lost its power over men’s hearts. Copernican science enabled Hitler to proclaim that the Bible was “Jewish folklore and therefore contemptible nonsense”. The Council of Constance of 1415 is a curious window to look into the Catholic mind. Paul, the rector of the University of Cracow, proclaimed certain principles there which appeared revolutionary to most of his contemporaries. He defended the pagans’ right to existence and declared the practice of forcible conversion to be unchristian. Well, at the same time, he demanded John Hus to be burned at the stake, because he mined the Hebrew Bible for inspiration and regarded the Jews as his natural allies.
From Y. Dantziger to S. Sambursky
In 1981 I found at the Yale University Library an abstract of a 1975 lecture by Prof. S. Sambursky, a friend of Einstein's who, in 1975, the year when the UN approved of the resolution equating zionism with racism, introduced Copernicus to the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities as “the man who initiated this era of modern the man who by the sheer force of imagination broke the chains of sense perception, the ingenious discoverer of a scientific truth involving one of the greatest revolutions in man's view of the world” (Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, vol. V, No 11)
In 1938-1939 sculptor Yitzhak Danziger created his statue “Nimrod” for the Hebrew University. The unveiling of the statue caused a scandal. Nimrod the sun god like Odin, Wodan, Baal, Bel, Belus, Zeus/Jupiter (Recall the statues of Zeus put into the Temple of Jerusalem by Antioch). Danziger's statu of Nimrod anticipated S. Pambursky paper and revival of what was known as the Canaanites or a cultural-political movement which advocated the shrugging off the Jewish religious tradition, cutting off relations with Diaspora Jews and their culture, and adopt in its place a “Hebrew Identity” based on ancient Semitic heroic myths – such as Nimrod's. (Cp. Hebrew Union College)
Hebrew University Prof wants Academic Freedom to be Denied to God and Moses
79% of the public said they are “not at all concerned” by the consistent rise in the proportion of religious Israelis in the IDF officer corps. Only 1% of the public said it was very concerned about the trend.
It was necessary for Hitler to reject the past because there was no era in German history that he admired. His ideal world was classical antiquity: Athens, Sparta (“the most pronounced racial state in history”), the Roman Empire. He always felt closer to Caesar or Augustus than to the Theutonic freedom fighter Arminius; they, and not the illiterate inhabitants of the Teutonic forests, were for him among the “most glorious minds of all history,” which he hoped to find again in the “Olympus…that I shall enter.” The downfall of those ancient dominions preoccupied him: “I often think about what destroyed the ancient world.” He made open fun of Himmler’s antediluvian primitivism and reacted sarcastically to all the potsherd cult and Teutonic herbalism: “At the same period that our forebears were presumably making the stone troughs and clay pitchers that our archaeologists fuss so much about, an Acropolis was being built in Greece.” And elsewhere: “The Germanic tribes who remained in Holstein were still boors after two thousand years…on no higher a level of culture than the Maori (today).”
Hitler’s Renaissance and Copernican infatuation with classical culture inspired the following passages: “It was this Spirit which inspired the creation of two of the most illustrious of the humanistic institutions of the Holy See: the Vatican Library and the Vatican Museums. Both were the outcome of a vision of Graeco-Roman culture as the perfect, almost timeless expression of human creativity at its highest levels - thought and art - and as the precursor, at times almost the prefigurement, of Christanity, above all in the West.” (Gestione Vendita Publicazioni Musei Vaticani, Citta del Vaticano. 1979, o. 12) One of every 3 people in Greek “democracy” was a slave but according to John Paul II, “The Church enriched her teaching as she progressively entered into Greek culture and more clearly realized the need for ways of presenting her doctrine which would be more adequate and convincing in that cultural context.” (John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, p. 46)
Tel Aviv University – Ran HaCohen's (Dept of Comparative Literature) continues to serve as Hamas' Mouthpiece
The publication in Italy of a book by Ariel Toaff (an historian at Bar-Ilan University and the son of Italy's most beloved rabbi, Elio Toaff), Pasque di Sangue, claiming that the ritual slaughter of Christian children in order to drink their blood did in fact occur in some Ashkenazi communities in the 15th century, revamped an old controversy. Toaff finally decided to withdraw his book from distribution. Somewhat lost in the debate was the fact that an agency independent from the Jewish community had repeatedly investigated the blood libel accusations against the Jews between 1247 and 1759 and issued several reports denouncing the accusations as both stupid and false, including in the very cases studied by Toaff.
Well, some time ago I was infprmed that Bar Ilan University wouldn't consider publishing my article about pagan source of copernican astronmy, because it recognizes heliocentrism as Science. There is historical logic between this recognition and Rabbi Toaff's book. Baal (aka Hubal Allah, aka Jupiter-Baal) is the god of Copernicus and, of course, Baal drinks the blood of Christian and other children like water, so the Jews confessing this god “slaughter Christian children to drink their blood.” This book evinces, so to say, a new, ecumenical horizon between Baal-Judaism, Hubal Islam and Jupiter-Baal Christianity.
Toaff's argument may be used to conclude that, since many accounts in different countries of people being abducted by UFOs or meeting Elvis Presley alive and well in the 1990s are similar, they should also be regarded as true. Rabbi Toaff'ws book makes sense in the context of The Canaanites. An early Syrian christian regarded Jesus as an avatar of the sun god Surya i.e. an alien, just to separate Christianity from the Hebrew Bible and its geocentricity incompatible with the Syrian solar religion.
Historical Background of Toaff's book
Prof. Toaff's book was, undoubtedly, inspired by the words put into Jesus' mouth by the evangelist John: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a MURDERER from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own; for he is a LIAR, and the father of it" (8:44) As I recall the chief rabbi of Rome converted to catholicism when Israel was established. A Jewish proverb says about such converts: "Stupid and peevish like a converted Jew." Indeed, this book is so stupid..
And we focus attention and concern on the Jewish Holocaust becaue
somehow we all have the feeling that it might just happen again.
Darwin's Dialectics
The last sentence of The Origin of Species, first edition, 1859: "There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved." was corrected to read:
"There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved."
The reason for this change was Lord Kelvin's critique of abiogenesis. Lord Kelvin who was the very founder of the second law of thermodynamics, was a Bible-believing Christian and a creationist. Kelvin, a contemporary of Charles Darwin, was convinced that the science of dynamics was incompatible with evolution. In one of his published lectures, Kelvin said:
“I need scarcely say that the beginning and maintenance of life on earth is absolutely and infinitely beyond the range of a small speculation of automatic commencement or automatic maintenance of life.”
The atheism of the first edition is strongly reminiscent of the conversation between Napoleon and his his court scientist Laplace. When Napoleon observed that he did not find a mention of God in his work, Laplace answered haughtily: “I found no need for that hypothesis.” It became fashionable to deny God in harmony with Charles I's correction: “the fool hath said in his heart, there is God”
The exhibit of 2005 at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, when quoting Darwin on the origin of life, it left out the part about the Creator. The ehibit quoted from the first edition of The Origin of Species instead of the commonly available sixth edition. Customarily for scholarly purposes, the author's final text would be quoted. In this case quoting from the first edition actually gave a more accurate view of the author's thinking, and politically correct one. One may safely assume that this exhibit established the Darwinian atheism as the politically correct creed of our time. It seemed safe to the staff of the Museum to return to the wording of the first edition, after Pope John Paul II had recognized existenmce of God as “a redundant hypothesis”, exactly like Laplace. John Paul II was an ardent admirer of the Jesuit atheist of Teilhard de Chardin, whose books were on display in the Moscow Museum of Atheism in the Soviet era.
Following in the Footsteps of Teilhard de Chardin
In a letter to a priest friend, de Charind confessed that he has apostatized but deliberately remained within the Church to more easily spread his errors. (See The Strange Faith of Teilhard de Chardin, by Henri Rambaud.)
VATICAN CITY, OCT 23, 1996 (VIS) - In a Message made public today to the members of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, meeting this week in the Vatican in plenary session, the Holy Father recalled that Pope Pius XI, who restored this academy in 1936, called this group of scholars "the Church's 'scientific senate'" and asked them "to serve the truth."
"'Humani Generis'," he stated, "considered the doctrine of 'evolutionism' as a serious hypothesis, worthy of a more deeply studied investigation and reflection on a par with the opposite hypothesis. ... Today, more than a half century after this encyclical, new knowledge leads us to recognize in the theory of evolution more than a hypothesis. ... The convergence, neither sought nor induced, of results of work done independently one from the other, constitutes in itself a significant argument in favor of this theory."
In conversation with V. I. Arnold, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (March 1998), Pope John Paul II recognized that science alone is able to determine the truth, whereas religion, in the words of the pontificate, sees itself as better suited to evaluate the possible uses of new discoveries.
(From a Letter of the Russian Academy of Sciences to V. Putin published in Kentavr, No. 3, pp. 1-2 (a popular-science supplement to Novaya Gazeta).[Russian version] Tuesday September 12, 2006
Pope Preaches Against Chance Evolution: “Man is Not the Chance Result of Evolution
Regensburg, Germany, September 12, 2006 ( This morning Pope Benedict XVI discussed evolution in his homily at the outdoor Mass celebrated in Islinger Field. In a direct attack on the concept of random chance evolution, Pope Benedict asked rhetorically: “What came first? Creative Reason, the Spirit who makes all things and giveth them growth, or Unreason, which, lacking any meaning, yet somehow brings forth a mathematically ordered cosmos, as well man and his reson.”
The Pope explained that the belief in God as Creator comes in the most ancient profession of faith known to Christians, The Apostle's Creed. “As Christians, we say: I believe in God the Father, the Creator of heaven and earth – I believe in the creator Spirit. We believe that at the beginning of everything is the eternal Word, with Reason and not Unreason,” he said.
While faith is not opposed to science, the Pope noted that some scientific endeavor is aimed at opposing faith. “From the Enlightenment on, science, at least in part, has applied itself to seeking an explanation of the world in which God would be unnecessary”, he said. The Pope added, “And if this were so, he (god) would also become unnecessary in our lives.”
Man, “would then be nothing than a chance result of 3evolution and thus, in the end, equally meaningless,” said the Pope.
However, Benedict XVI, noted assuredly that attempts to show God as unnecessary in the explanation of the universe are futile. “But whenever the attempt seemed to be neraing success – inevitably it would become clar: something is missing from the equation!” he said. “When God is subtracted, something doesn't add for man, the world, the whole vast universe.”
See the English translation of the homily from the vatican Radio here:
In 2007 Pope Benedict XVI met with Metropolitan Kyrill of the Russian Orthdodx Church
Metropolitan Kyrill attacks Darwinism
In an interview for the German Spiegel Online published January 10, 2008 entitled The Bible Calls it a Sin Metropolitan Kyrill, foreign minister of the Russian Orthodox Church asked how he would approach Darwin's theories if he were a teacher, answered: “I would say that the theory has many adherents, but also a few unanswered questions. For instance, no one has provided precise proof of the transition from one species to another. It would be wrong to treat Darwin's theory as the only correct one. It is the leading theory today, but it could be replaced by another theory tomorrow. There was also a time when Marxism considered itself the only correct and scientifically justified theory...”
In a veiled allusion to the Declaration of the Senate of the Warsaw University Metropolitan Kyrill said: “What I am saying is something that the liberal SPIEGEL will never print: You undoubtedly think that this Metropolitan Kyrill is out of his mind and that what he is saying is complete nonsense.”
We also learned from the interview that Vladimir Putin says that he often reads the Bible on his presidential plane during long trips and that in an essay, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has invoked the New Testament to criticize a unipolar world dominated by the United States.
In a speech summing up his trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories, Bush said a future Palestinian state would be a homeland for the Palestinians, just as Israel is a homeland for the Jews, indicating a rejection of the Palestinian demand for a "right of return." (The Jerusalem Post, Jan. 12, 08)
Metropolitan Kirill named leader of Russian Church
06/12/2008 20:10 (Recasts, adds details)
MOSCOW, December 6 (RIA Novosti) - The governing body of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Holy Synod, elected on Saturday Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad as the leader of the Church.
Obama and the US-Israel alliance
By CAROLINE B. GLICK, Jerusalem Post 15/10/2010
On Tuesday (Oct 12, 2010), State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley was asked, “Do you [i.e. the administration] recognize Israel as a Jewish state and will you try to convince the Palestinians to recognize it?
As Rick Richman at Commentary’s blog noted, Crowley repeatedly tried to evade answering the question. Reporters were forced to repeat the question six times before Crowley managed to say, “We recognize that Israel is a – as it says itself, is a Jewish state, yes.”
As for whether or not the administration will try to convince the Palestinians to recognize the Jewish state, Crowley could not bring himself to give a simple affirmative answer.
Crowley’s refusal to give straight answers to straight questions about US recognition of Israel as a Jewish state shows that Israel has never faced a more unfriendly US administration. After all, recognizing Israel as a Jewish state means recognizing that the Jewish people are a nation, and as a nation, the Jews have a right to self-determination in our national homeland. So recognizing Israel as a Jewish state is recognizing Israel’s right to exist.
Crowley’s unwillingness to state flat out that the US recognizes Israel as a Jewish state and expects Israel’s supposed Palestinian peace partners to do so as well means that the Obama administration’s basic hostility to Israel is so salient that no amount of appeasing on any specific issue will alter its position.
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